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I'M JUST.. .I'M?????? LIKE WHY IS IT JUST... UGHHH!!!! I'm mad mad lol.

I'm also mad mad cuz Moo didn't have to call out us single folk like that. Also I love Kang's character so so much...I haven't seen this level of tsundere since TharnType!!! This KangMoo dynamic is my absolute fave!!!! And like why did I tear up during the preview for next week's episode??? I'm such a lil bitch 😂😂😂




This show has offiically become my 2nd must watch weekly show. It's the only BL on my list. My most watch show isn't even a BL, but this show is so cute.


As for this ep, said it elsewhere, but Chile...looking at that preview... not cousin Shone hitting on Moo's boo thing....what in the cousin Faith (from Soul Food #IYKYK) Moo shoulda showed his cousin a photo of Kang...Then at least his cousin would know he was hitting on his cousin's boo.