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This month's coloring book image comes from our lesson, Which is stronger: Glue or tape? by educator Elizabeth Cox, with animation by Sinbad Richardson. The oldest glue in the world is over 8,000 years old and comes from a cave near the Dead Sea. Today, we have enough types of tape and glue to build and repair almost anything. But what gives glue and tape their stickiness? And is one stronger than the other?

Post your drawings on social media with the hashtag #TEDEdColoringBook, or email them to tededpatreon@ted.com with the subject line #TEDEdColoringBook. 

We might feature your work on our social media pages, in a future TED-Ed video, or even on the office fridge!

The coloring book page is attached to this post and most easily accessed by opening this post in your desktop browser.



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