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We love poetry, we love guessing games and we love making monthly Haiclues for you! Not only are many of you accomplished players, but your guesses often leave us with excellent ideas for new lessons. We think it might be time to mix things up a little, though. For one thing, Haiclues only allow us to hint at three upcoming lessons, and since we only release them once a month, if our production calendar changes, we can't update you. 

Instead of our monthly update, we'd like to be giving you weekly updates. So starting in June, those of you who used to receive the Haiclue can instead expect a weekly post with clips, pics or otherwise unpublished imagery from lessons coming out that week. This way you, our amazing Patrons, get a first look at what's coming down the pike on a regular basis. We’re sensitive to switching things up on you, but we think this will be an all-around better perk for the community —shoot us a quick note, though, if you have concerns about us giving this fresh direction a try.

Finally we'd like to give a special shout out to our Haiclue VIPS: Be Owusu, Abhijit Kiran Valluri, SookKwan Loong, Errys, Tracey Tobkin, and Yuh Saito. Thank you for putting on your riddle caps and being such active players! And thank you to everyone who played along. 

Hang tight and get excited for our brand new (and hopefully improved) sneak peek perk — coming in the first week of June. 




Will we still be getting the occasional Haiclue? Thanks for the shout out! <3 Sorry I've been missing them for a bit but I always do look forward to seeing the videos. My work desktop wallpaper is updated monthly for the new theme so I always have Ted-Ed with me :D


Hi SookKwan, it's been so fun seeing your guesses to the Haiclues! And we're so glad to hear that you enjoy the digital wallpapers! Right now, the plan is to retire the Haiclue videos as we've been doing them, but we might find some other fun ways to bring some mystery and guess-work to our Patreon community in the future. Meanwhile, though, we hope you'll enjoy seeing more regular sneak peeks of what's coming up. Let us know your thoughts next month when the new perk is up-and-running! Best, The TED-Ed Team


Thanks for the shout out Ted-Ed! :D I certainly enjoyed guessing the clues in the Haiclues, although I've missed the last few months. I'm looking forward to the new weekly sneak peaks!


Thanks for playing along, Abhijit! It's been a real pleasure!