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Color your hearts out and post your drawings on social media with the hashtag #TEDEdColoringBook, or email them to tededpatreon@ted.com with the subject line #TEDEdColoringBook. 

We might feature your work on our social media pages, in a future TED-Ed video, or even on the office fridge!

This image is from our lesson, How did Polynesian wayfinders navigate the Pacific Ocean? by educators Alan Tamayose and Shantell De Silva with animation by Patrick Smith. Did you know that Polynesian wayfinders navigated the Pacific Ocean at night using a star compass? This wasn't a physical object, but a mental map based on the rising and setting points of various stars throughout the year. They used this map to divide the sky into four quadrants, with their canoe in the middle.

When was the last time you used a mental map to navigate complicated terrain? 

The coloring book page is attached to this post and most easily accessed by opening this post in your desktop browser.



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