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This month's digital wallpapers come to you from our lesson on The secret powers of jellyfish, by David Gruber, directed and animated by Silvia Prietov. 

Did you know that some jellyfish are longer than a blue whale, while others are barely larger than a grain of sand? One species unleashes one of the most deadly venoms on earth; another holds a secret that’s behind some of the greatest breakthroughs in biology. They predate the dinosaurs, and they’re still flourishing. 

And on top of all that, they're gorgeous and going to look great as the background of your screen. 




Delightfully informative video, as always! I really enjoy how the artist illustrated the jellyfish to be so flower-like. I get some especially fuchsia vibes from some of the jellies. The ocean background has the appearance of acrylic paints, which is also a unique and pleasing design in itself.


Thank you, Tracey! We're so glad you liked the lesson! Yeah, Sylvia's bright, almost luminescent treatment of the jellies, made this the perfect candidate for our new digital wallpapers. Also, jellyfish are so fascinating!


Hey TED-Ed! I really appreciate the videos you guys put out, and I have a small request. Feel free to turn me down though, you guys have done enough for my education as it is! Is it possible if I got a set of wallpapers similar to this, but about space? I love space, and I love TED-Ed, and I want space wallpapers hahaha. Love your stuff guys, don't ever stop and I'll support you guys however I can. Darren :-)


Hey Darren! Thank you so much for the kind words about TED-Ed! And don't you worry, we definitely have space-themed wallpapers coming down the line ... potentially as soon as next month! - Alexandra