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It's now compatible with Female Cacs.

Showcase video: https://youtu.be/n4eVb3KNMo8

It is an Ultimate skill based on a technique used by Hit against Jiren in the ToP.

Here's how this skill works:

  • Fire a concentrated Ki Wave from your fist (3 Ki-bars)! Perform an additional input while charging the attack or after the shockwave is released to teleport behind your opponent and strike them with the time prison technique (2 Ki-bars).
  • If you are in Idle pose and standing on the ground, use the left stick in any direction [LS_N] + Skill button to fire the instant kill shockwave (costs 7 ki bars).
  • While being damaged you can activate the skill and teleport behind your opponent and strike with the time prison technique, be careful as using this technique as an evasive will cost you 5 stamina bars and 2 ki bars.




Will you ever make this for females?


i wanted to give this skill to hit but I don't have a hit mod....i cant equip it to hit in the game


I'll soon make a tutorial on how to edit base game characters skillset and post it here

Lucas Bueno

I dont know why but the projectile of the skill is not hitting the target.. both the normal damaging one and the one ko one. The punch part is working fine though.

Lucas Bueno

always... it does affect the cenario though, like, it doesnt hit the characters but it does hit the pillars in cell arena for example. I dont know if other mods might be interfering... I tried a few more tests, like re-installing the mod or using vs a vanilla base game character, but it doesnt work... I wonder if any CMN installers I have disrupted the mod or anything


No this skill doesn't require a CMN animation to be installed, also make sure you are playing at 60 fps or higher, I'll test it myself and try to figure out the issue

Lucas Bueno

Thanks =) , also btw I did tested this skill on Rework Hit (the one with purple effects within attacks) and I'm also using the azura Hit skills together... I will try some more tests though. #Im back from new testing/ Yeah, i tested some more normal hit with the death blow as the only custom skill, but unfortunately its the same result.. the punch works, the beam does not.


is there a way to fix the first part of the move not landing?


Same problem


Hello, the beam never hits the target. Did you figured out a fix?


I'm aware of the issue, I'm trying to fix it, you will be notified when I update the skill, thanks to all of you for the feedback!


... any update? :/