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first of all happy new year eveyone, very sorry for the Delay but im now home from house/pet sitting and back with my better set up so i can get started on some work.

but on that note i wanted to talk about my work as a whole and as i feel i really havent been deliving in the last few months for one i fell off with the polls and thats my bad i should have kept up with them but i didnt, i want to get back to
Doing them to give you all some more say in what I make but ill most likely take away the port poll as to many times I go to port a model but my skills art not up to it and I cant and I don't want to make false promises, so ill put it to 1 character poll per month.

One with another thing I need to deliver on is more animations, I want to get at lest one out for you all each month maybe some smaller stuff here and there but I just need to get stuck into it and make it.

now the reason that well I haven't been doing lots of animation is as good as my 3 pics a week structure is at consistent work, realistically sometimes I just cant think of what to make and that leads me into a loop of panicking and making work almost the day I post it then take time to relax but then its the next week so need to make more, so I spend my time getting these 3 pics done and never on any bigger sequences or animations and well I want to change that.

bringing this up now as I'm thinking of going to a more freeform plan witch is to not have the 3 pics a week schedule and to put out work when I am more motivated and involved rather then just forcing myself to work as ngl its not fun when I'm forcing myself to work. and in recent months my motivation was lacking and I feel my work suffered for it. so I'm thinking to drop the schedule and put out work when its ready, now yes this means that work may come out less frequently but the hope is that I now don't have the constant worry to make work and cant spend that time to make animations and larger works.

I'm just testing the waters with this idea so id like to hear your feed back.

Now I have been working on some stuff here and there, been in the mood for some more Nia so been cooking up something with her and also been testing and trying some new tech with materials and lighting as I got an idea with an animation with some characters with like neon body paint and I'm trying to get a glowing look in sfm witch is still a work in process.

Thanks again for sticking around everyone I hope to show you some great work soon.



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