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First of all i just want to say a massive THANK YOU!!!! we have now reached over 40 patreons and i still and boggled by that never was really quite sure if i could make it to this number so i'm surprised and insanely grateful for it.

as promised this means that i'm gona start some more serious work on animations now, nothing to crazy to start with mainly just testing the waters with some small stuff before i start offering them up as comms 

witch leads nicely into my Plans for December, as i've been working quite a lot for the past few months and i'm starting to feel it myself (and ive had a number of people tell me to relax)

i want to take a bit more time for myself this month, so i'm not bound to the pc everyday making pics, will this mean less work? in a way yes but im not stoping Completely, i still have full intentions of doing the Gold Comms as well as the Weekly Poll and the Weekly Rwby Pics, you here will still get stuff early and exclusive alts so nothing has changed there, mainly its the 3 pics during the week i want to mix up to give me some more me time 

instead of making new pics for it ill most likely put up the Gold comms i haven't put out yet as ive been slacking off on that a bit lately >.< so ultimately the work scheduled wont change drastically for a few weeks if at all just means that ill be mainly posting back log stuff.

also with this more time i have there are a few things i want to do, 1) start testing out some more animation stuff and 2) i did a poll on twitter and it seems as though alot of people would like some tutorials on what i do in sfm and id like to make them, this also means i kinda want to do more model porting and public release of said models.

so thats the ideas i have for December i hope you all can see where im coming from for all these decisions and its not like i wont be making stuff fresh i sure will but a little less rigid on my end, thank you all so much for deciding to stick around and support me it means alot to me <3



Just to clarify this is just for this month really


well damn i guess i was a little ahead of myself with the 40 patreons