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🔫🐉🔥 Legendary weapons, imbued with the mighty essence of dragon eggs, stand as a testament to extraordinary craftsmanship. These dragon eggs, pulsating with a raw and vibrant energy, are highly sought after by elite weaponsmiths. Their skills, honed through generations, enable them to harness this potent force into formidable weaponry. 🔫🐉🔥


Dragonflight Sidearm

Weapon (pistol), legendary (requires attunement)

This exquisitely crafted firearm, resplendent in hues of deep blue and radiant yellow, is adorned with dragon wings.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Autonomous Fire Mode. The sidearm has an autonomous firing mode. As an action, you can speak its command word to activate this mode. For the next minute, the sidearm gains a flying speed of 20 feet, floats in the air, and takes its turns immediately after yours, following your verbal commands. It uses your attack bonus for attack rolls but does not benefit from any other bonuses you might have. In this mode, it can make two attacks per turn.

Once used, this ability can't be used again until the next dawn.

While in autonomous mode, the sidearm has an Armor Class of 20 and hit points equal to twice your level. If the Dragonflight Sidearm is destroyed, it can be restored to regain its autonomous fire mode. This restoration can be achieved by casting the mending spell on it for 10 minutes, or by making a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check using tinker's tools during a short rest.

Dragonflight. While holding this sidearm with both hands, if you are a creature smaller than large, you gain a flying speed of 20 feet.

Magic Missile Attack. The sidearm has 3 charges. As an action, you can expend one charge to cast Magic Missile as a 4th-level spell (six darts). Each missile requires you to make a ranged attack roll using your ranged attack bonus. Each missile counts as ammunition and deals 1d4+1 force damage on a hit. The sidearm regains all expended charges daily at dawn.



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