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🔥🗝️🌌  Blacksmiths and mages collaborated in forging this unique weapon, extracting gold from the heart of enchanted mountains and melding it onto the blade, ensuring its form echoed its fierce essence.

The core of the sabre, resonating with a mesmerizing blue energy, was said to be the condensed spirit of a fire elemental, forever bound and channeled by the weapon. It wasn’t just its devastating prowess in battle that marked its fame, but its hexagonal keychain. Folktales whispered of it being the key to untold power or an ancient realm, though its true purpose remained a mystery.

Warriors who wielded the Hexkey Sabre were granted the power to inflict a scorching curse upon their foes. The flame of the curse, echoing the fiery spirit within, became a tool of both offense and strategy. As the sabre tasted battle, its energy intensified, making every critical strike a dance of escalating fire. 🔥🗝️🌌


Hexkey Sabre

Weapon (scimitar), rare (requires attunement)

It is a masterpiece of mysticism, its blade adorned with gold patterns set against a deep black background. The steel hilt, embellished in a similar manner, conceals a pulsing blue core.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Upon hitting a creature with the Hexkey Sabre, you can use a bonus action to mark the target with a fiery curse. The cursed creature takes an additional 1d6 fire damage whenever it is hit by an attack. This curse lasts for 8 hours and doesn't require concentration.

If you land a critical hit against the cursed creature, the fire damage increases by 1d6, starting from its base damage. This damage can continue to stack with each subsequent critical hit, reaching a maximum of 4d6 additional fire damage.



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