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🌨️🐐❄️ In the high valleys of the Frostpine Mountains, where snow blankets the ground all year round, there once roamed a peculiar satyr named Thalor. Unlike his kin, who danced in the warmth of forest glades, Thalor had a peculiar affinity for the cold, relishing in the embrace of the icy winds and the purity of snowfall.

One fateful winter, Thalor chanced upon an ancient spirit of the snow, a wraithlike entity named Cylria, who was as elusive as the snowflakes she controlled. Intrigued by the satyr's comfort in her domain, Cylria approached Thalor and proposed a union of their essences — her ethereal coldness and his earthly vitality.

Together, over many nights bathed in pale moonlight, they crafted the Faun's Snowfall Mantle. Woven from the purest white furs and imbued with the essence of a thousand snowfalls, the mantle was a testament to their bond. While it may appear as just a beautiful cloak to most, to those who truly understand its origins, it's a reminder of the unlikely harmony between the frost's spirit and a satyr's heart. 🌨️🐐❄️


Faun's Snowfall Mantle

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This regal cloak, made of the purest snow-white fur, appears as if it was spun directly from winter's first snowfall. When draped upon the shoulders, the wearer can almost hear the faint, mirthful laughter of a faun carried by a cold breeze, intertwining with the hushed whispers of cascading snow.

While wearing this mantle, you are immune to the effects of extreme cold environments.

Winter's Last Snow. When you are hit by an attack or effect that would reduce your hit points to 0, the mantle's magic activates. Instead of falling unconscious, you are reduced to 1 hit point. Simultaneously, a magical flurry of snow swirls around you, rendering you invisible. This invisibility lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you take an action to attack or cast a spell. Once this property has been activated, it can’t be activated again until the next dawn.



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