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🔥✒️🛡 A formidable wizard, Alaric Embermind, sought to harness the untamed energies of the hells. Through a pact with Azural, a cunning devil known for his mastery over flame and artifice, Alaric gained the secret to crafting a unique needle – forged from the blackened bones of fallen angels and quenched in the molten rivers.

Using this eldritch tool, the first Soulfire Tattoo was etched onto Alaric's skin. The design, though beautiful in its complexity, was more than just an intricate pattern; it was a conduit, channeling the scorching energies of the infernal realms. The fiery ink, imbued with a fragment of Azural's essence, pulsed with a deep red, reminiscent of the coals that burn eternally in the devil's dominion.

But power comes at a price. While the tattoo granted Alaric abilities beyond mortal ken, it also tethered his soul to Azural, binding their fates inextricably. And as with all things of great power, the Soulfire Tattoo became both coveted and feared, a symbol of a bond between the arcane and the infernal. 🔥✒️🛡


Soulfire Tattoo

Wondrous item (tattoo), legendary (requires attunement)

Crafted using a specialized needle, this magic tattoo embodies the fiery depths of the inferno through its intricate design and deep red tones.

Tattoo Attunement. To attune to this tattoo, you place the needle on your skin where you want the tattoo to appear, holding it there throughout the attunement process. Once attuned, the needle becomes the ink that forms the tattoo. If you end your attunement to this tattoo, it vanishes, and the needle reappears nearby.

Hellfire Ward. The Soulfire Tattoo has 5 charges and regains all its charges at dawn. While you have this tattoo:

  • When another creature hits you with a melee attack, you can expend one charge and use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature. If you hit, your attack deals an additional 4d10 fire damage.
  • If you would take fire damage, you can expend a charge to gain immunity to that damage. Instead of being harmed, the tattoo absorbs the flames, healing you for the amount of fire damage you would have taken. The tattoo flares briefly when activated in this way.



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