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🌨️🪓❄️ In a time when the mountains whispered tales of old, the giants and dwarves shared a world marked by uneasy truces and tentative alliances. From one such alliance emerged the Frostreaver Battleaxe, a marvel of craftsmanship and camaraderie.

A severe winter drove the frost giants from their icy citadels, edging dangerously close to the subterranean realms of the dwarves. Instead of conflict, a historic accord was struck. Giants provided timber from their sacred ancient oaks, while the dwarves offered the gleam of their purest mithril. Together, with gold embellishments symbolizing their combined efforts, the Frostreaver was born.

The world may have forgotten many tales of this very rare axe, but its essence is clear: a beacon of unity, resilience, and the combined strength of two races. Today, we draw back the veil on the Frostreaver Battleaxe, bringing its tale of harmony and power to light once more. 🌨️🪓❄️

Frostreaver Battleaxe

Weapon (battleaxe), very rare (requires attunement)

Forged from gleaming mithril, the blade of the Frostreaver Battleaxe is both imposing and majestic. The edges of the blade are accented with intricate golden tips, reflecting light with a cold brilliance. Its handle, crafted from aged oak, adds an element of ancient resilience to the weapon, hinting at tales of yore and battles long past.

The Frostreaver Battleaxe deals an additional 1d6 cold damage on a hit.

Chillbite's Grasp. When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend your reaction to force it to make a Constitution saving throw (DC 17). On a failed save, the creature's speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. In addition, for every 5 feet the affected creature moves until the start of your next turn, it takes 2d6 cold damage due to the clinging frost that seeps into its very essence. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses at dawn.



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