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As an Oath of Hope Paladin, you stand as a beacon of light amidst the world's most daunting shadows. In every step, every word, and every deed, you radiate an aura that penetrates the deepest recesses of despair, reigniting the flames of hope in the hearts of the disheartened. Those who have lost their way, consumed by sorrow or fear, find solace in your presence, as if the very essence of hope has chosen to walk beside them.

Your mission transcends the mere act of battling wickedness. With every clash of your weapon and every chant of your prayer, you weave a tale of perseverance, signaling to all that darkness is but a prelude to dawn. In towns ravaged by sorrow, your laughter resonates as a defiant proclamation that joy will return. In battlefields marred by hopelessness, your courage serves as an emblem, reminding everyone of the heroes of yore and the promise of victories yet to come.

The Oath you've sworn isn't just about defending the innocent; it's about rekindling dreams. It's about painting visions of brighter tomorrows in the minds of the young and old alike, ensuring that hope isn't just a fleeting emotion but a sustained force, driving the world towards a brighter, more promising future.

To many, you are more than a warrior. You are the embodiment of hope's undying spirit, a living testament to the power of belief and the strength found in envisioning a better tomorrow.

Oath Spells


charm person, tasha’s hideous laughter


calm emotions, enhance ability


beacon of hope, hypnotic pattern


freedom of movement, guardian of faith


dream, mislead

Tenets of Hope

While the phrasing and nuances of the Oath of Hope might differ, paladins who swear this oath universally uphold these tenets.

Beacon of Positivity. Always strive to be a source of inspiration and light, especially in the face of overwhelming darkness or adversity.

Empower Dreams. Encourage the aspirations of others, ensuring they never lose sight of their goals or passions, no matter the obstacles.

Resist Despair. Actively challenge and combat forces and influences that breed hopelessness, whether they manifest as external threats or internal doubts.

Guard Against Complacency. While hope is vital, it must be paired with action. Do not simply wish for a better tomorrow; actively work towards it.

Blessing of Hope

Starting at 3rd level, your connection to hope allows you to cast light into the shadows. You learn the dancing lights cantrip. It counts as a paladin spell for you, and Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options:

Awaken Hope. As an action, you touch an ally, kindling the dormant hope within them. For the next minute, once on each of their turns, they can add an extra damage die to one attack or add an extra healing die to one spell that restores hit points.

Ripple of Hope. As an action, you touch the ground, releasing a wave of hopeful energy. The terrain within a 20-foot radius around you shifts and transforms to mirror the dreams and wishes of those nearby: blossoming wildflowers, the re-emergence of lost items, or a fleeting change in the weather to something brighter and more serene. This dreamlike terrain ensnares enemies, making it difficult terrain for them, while allies move through it unaffected. The effect lasts for up to 10 minutes, but you can dispel it earlier with a bonus action.

Aura of Hope

Starting at 7th level, your very presence radiates a soothing aura that bolsters your allies against adversity. Whenever an ally within 10 feet of you fails a saving throw and their roll is less than 5 from the required DC, they can add a d6 to that roll, potentially turning the failure into a success. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Harbinger of Hope

Starting at 15th level, as an action, you can summon a shimmering beacon filled with shared memories of joy, determination, and hope. This radiant monument emerges from the ground, reaching up to 20 feet in height and casting a comforting golden glow in a 30-foot radius.

Within this aura, each allied creature is infused with the strength of collective memories. Their actions echo harmoniously, reminiscent of past triumphs and cherished moments. Once, while the beacon is active, when an individual ally within the radius would take damage, they can choose to negate that damage entirely, drawing upon a vivid memory of past resilience to shield them. The beacon of shared memories lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it as a bonus action. After using this feature, you must complete a long rest before invoking it again.

Hope's Pinnacle

At 20th level, the deep reservoir of hope within you can transform into a dazzling spectacle. By taking an action, you can adopt the stature of Hope's Beacon:

  • A golden radiance surrounds you, casting bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. From your back sprout wings that resemble intertwined sunbeams, and your eyes mirror the promise of a sunrise.
  • Throughout this form, you gain a flying speed equal to your current movement speed.
  • Whenever an ally within 60 feet is struck by an attack on their turn, you may opt to absorb the damage on their behalf.
  • Once, as an action during this transformation, you can emit a wave of revitalizing energy. Allies within a 30 feet radius from you regain hit points equivalent to your Paladin level + four times your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

This transcendent state lasts for 1 minute. After using this feature, you must complete a long rest before invoking it again.



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