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Their existence was intertwined with the mighty wyrms they sought to challenge. Not out of malice, but to prove worthiness and seek balance between mankind and dragons.

Each piece of the Dragon Knight's set radiates a power unlike any other. Every scale, every ridge, is painstakingly forged under the watchful eyes of the very dragons they'd faced. A testament not only to the wearer's bravery but also the respect earned from such magnificent beasts.

The deep crimson hues of the armor mimic the roaring fires of a dragon's breath, while the intricate patterns are reminiscent of the swirling skies where these battles between man and beast took place.


Dragon Knight's Helm

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

Crafted with the scale of an ancient red dragon, this helmet is both a symbol of honor. Though the helm appears to have an impenetrable visor, the wearer can see through it as if it were clear glass.

Every dawn, you can align the helm's aura with the essence of a specific dragon type. Once aligned, your melee weapon attacks manifest unique attributes against dragons:

  • Black Dragon: The dark energy of the swamp infuses your weapon, which drips with caustic acid. Stricken foes sizzle and hiss, leaving a trail of decay in their wake, reducing their AC by 1 for 1 minute (stackable up to 3 times).
  • Blue Dragon: Your weapon hums with the pulse of the desert storm. On a hit, arcs of static might jump to another enemy within 5 feet, dealing half of the attack's damage.
  • Green Dragon: Forest mists seem to dance around your weapon. A successful hit causes vines to momentarily sprout, potentially grappling the target (DC 18 Strength save to resist).
  • Red Dragon: Embers flare around your weapon, and hits ignite the target, causing them to shed light in a 10-foot radius and take 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of their turns for 1 minute. The target can end this effect by using its action to extinguish the flames.
  • White Dragon: Icy mists envelop your weapon, which chills foes to the bone. Stricken foes have their speed halved until the end of their next turn.
  • Brass Dragon: Your weapon gleams with a mirage-like shimmer. Targets struck are disoriented, causing their next attack to be made with disadvantage.
  • Bronze Dragon: Coastal echoes resonate from your weapon. On a hit, the target hears the phantom roar of waves, potentially (DC 18 Constitution save to resist) becoming frightened until the end of their next turn.
  • Copper Dragon: A mountainous sheen graces your weapon. Stricken foes become momentarily petrified, potentially (DC 18 Constitution save to resist) becoming restrained until the end of their next turn.
  • Gold Dragon: A heavenly radiance illuminates your weapon. On a successful hit, a flash of light potentially (DC 18 Constitution save to resist) blinds the target until the end of their next turn.
  • Silver Dragon: Your weapon shimmers with a starry gleam. Struck targets feel a celestial chill, potentially (DC 18 Constitution save to resist) becoming paralyzed until the end of your next turn.

Dragon Knight's Armor

Armor (half plate), legendary (requires attunement)

A vibrant, burning hue, it seems to pulsate softly with the heartbeat of a slumbering wyrm.

While wearing this armor, you gain a profound connection to the essence of draconic combat. As a reaction, when targeted by a dragon's breath weapon, you can utter the armor's command word. Instantly, a shimmering force field in the likeness of a dragon's maw encircles you, absorbing the deadly onslaught. Damage from the breath weapon is negated for you. Simultaneously, the intercepted energy coalesces into a magical orb, pulsating and hovering before you. On your subsequent turn, you can use an action to launch the orb at a point or creature within 60 feet. All creatures within a 20-foot radius of the point must make a saving throw appropriate to the original dragon's breath weapon, suffering damage as if the orb itself were the breath, rolling the same amount and type of dice for damage. You regain the ability to activate this at dawn.

Dragon Knight's Gauntlets

Wondrous Item, rare

These red, scaled gauntlets exude power, feeling warm to the touch. Their design is based on the powerful claws of dragons, with each finger ending in a sharp, retractable talon.

While wearing these gauntlets, you can attempt to grapple any dragon, regardless of its size or any immunities it may possess. When you choose to do so, the gauntlets emit a fierce aura, and the talons extend, digging into the essence of the dragon.

Dragon Knight's Greaves

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

Forged from the hide of ancient red dragons, these boots burn with a contained flame. Upon close inspection, the patterns mimic the rough and rugged scales of a dragon, and occasionally, you might feel a subtle heartbeat emanate from within them.

While wearing these greaves, you can harness the essence of a dragon's fiery flight. As a bonus action, you can activate the greaves' power, causing flames to envelop your legs without burning you. For the next minute, your movement speed increases by 10 feet, and any ground you tread upon momentarily scorches, leaving behind fleeting embers.

Once during this duration, as an action, you can perform a powerful leap. You soar into the air, much like a dragon taking flight, moving up to 40 feet in a direction of your choice, including upwards. If you land adjacent to a creature, they must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC 18) or take 4d8 fire damage, as the intense heat and force of your landing engulfs them. You regain the ability to activate these greaves at dawn.

2-Set Bonus: Draconic Resilience

The very essence of dragons courses through the items, connecting them and granting you their protective aura. While two pieces of the Dragon Knight set are equipped, you gain resistance to fire damage. Additionally, whenever you are subjected to a saving throw against an effect that would frighten you, you have advantage on that saving throw.

4-Set Bonus: Dragon's Command

The complete set pulsates with the heart and soul of dragons. With the entire set equipped, you become an embodiment of draconic might. As an action, you can let out a mighty roar, echoing the voice of ancient dragons. All creatures of your choice within a 60-foot radius must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 15 + your Charisma modifier) or be frightened of you for 1 minute. Affected creatures can attempt the saving throw again at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success. Additionally, dragons that hear your roar feel a momentary kinship or challenge, making them more inclined to communicate or face you in combat rather than fleeing or ignoring you. Once you use the Dragon's Command, you can't use it again until the next dawn.



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