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Demonology Warlocks 🌌🔮🕯️

The Demonology Warlocks form pacts with one of the most formidable and feared entities across the planes: Archdemons. These otherworldly beings, rulers of chaotic layers of the Abyss, offer tantalizing power to those willing to pay their price.

Stepping into the world of Demonology isn't a simple spell or a whispered prayer. It demands a ritual of intense fervor. Under the veil of the night, the aspiring warlock invokes the name of their chosen Archdemon, reciting ancient Abyssal chants. As the air thickens and shadows dance frenetically, the warlock offers a tribute, typically a personal sacrifice or an item of immense emotional significance. If the Archdemon is pleased, a link is formed – a dark bond of power and servitude.

Their motivations are as varied as the demons themselves; some seek power, others knowledge, and a few, redemption or control over their newfound connection. No matter the intent, one thing is certain: a pact with an Archdemon is not made lightly, and the consequences are eternal.

Demonic Control

Starting at 1st level, your connection to dark realms allows you to assert dominance over the demons you summon. When you summon a demon using a spell, it doesn't make Charisma saving throws to resist your control for the spell's duration. However, due to the intense focus required, your own AC is reduced by 2 whenever you have a summoned demon under your control.

Master Summoner

At 6th level, your proficiency in demonology allows you to control multiple demons at once. When you cast a spell to summon a demon, you can choose to summon one additional demon of the same type. Both demons are bound to the same duration, and if you lose concentration, both demons are affected.

Demonic Sacrifice

At 10th level, as a reaction when you take damage, you can redirect that damage to a demon you control, sparing yourself from harm. The chosen demon takes the damage instead of you. Using this feature requires a palpable link, and you can only use it if the demon is within 30 feet of you. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain expended uses after you finish a long rest.

Legion of Demons

At 14th level, you can, with a 1-minute ritual, call forth a multitude of demonic entities. Once per long rest, you can summon six CR 1/2 lesser demons (of your choice) and two CR 5 or lower greater demons. These demons obey your commands for up to 10 minutes, during which you must maintain concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). If you lose concentration or after the 10 minutes pass, the demons vanish. While they're present, your movement, if equal or above 10 feet, is reduced to 10 feet, and you can only cast cantrips.



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