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Updated - v1.1 - Included Extended Spell List and Description for easier accessability on dnd beyond

🩸 The Blood Lord Warlocks 🩸
Greetings, adventurers of the realm! Delve into a darker, more evil side of magic with the newly unveiled Warlock subclass: The Blood Lord Warlocks.

Who are the Blood Lord Warlocks? These are spellcasters who've formed pacts with the enigmatic and ancient Blood Lords, powerful deities shrouded in myth and bound by the essence of life itself. Their magic isn't just drawn from incantations but is pulsated from the very lifeblood that courses through veins.

Who are the Blood Lords? The Blood Lords are not one, but many. Ancient deities, lost to time, revered in whispers. From Hemara, the Crimson Whisperer, to Sanguis, the Vein Weaver, and Vessalox, the Heartbeat Enchanter; each Blood Lord offers unique insights into the potent magic of life essence.

Pact of the Blood: A new Warlock pact like no other. This pact grants Warlocks a pool of Blood Points, allowing them to tap into their very life essence to empower their spells and abilities. But remember, with great power comes significant risk...

For those brave enough to embrace this visceral form of magic, the rewards can be immense. But remember, every drop of power is a drop of life. Will you tread this path, drawing upon the ancient rites of the Blood Lords?

Pact of the Blood

The life essence that courses through your veins becomes a tangible power, allowing you to harness it for various arcane purposes. By invoking the power of this pact, you can manipulate your own life-force to amplify your magical abilities, albeit at some risk.

Blood Points. Your Blood Pact grants you a pool of Blood Points. The number of points in the pool is equal to your Warlock level. You can expend these points to fuel various blood features. Each time you expend Blood Points, you reduce your maximum hit points by the number of Blood Points spent. This reduction lasts until you finish a long rest. You regain all expended Blood Points when you finish a long rest.

Blood Features

Hemomantic Ward. Spend 1 Blood Point to use your reaction when hit by an attack, reducing the damage by 1d4 + your Charisma modifier.

Blood Infusion. Spend 2 Blood Points to enhance the power of your next damage-dealing spell within the next minute, adding 1d4 necrotic damage.

Life Leech. Upon hitting with Eldritch Blast, spend 3 Blood Points to regain hit points equal to half the damage of one beam.

Blood Surge. Spend 4 Blood Points to gain advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws and increase your movement speed by 10 feet until the end of your next turn.

Essence Exchange. Touch a willing creature and spend Blood Points to transfer hit points. Each Blood Point transfers 1d4 hit points from you to the creature.

Crimson Chains. Spend 4 Blood Points to conjure chains of blood to restrain a target within 10 feet, acting as the spell Hold Person.

Blood Sight. Spend 4 Blood Points to gain truesight up to a range of 10 feet for 1 minute.

Sanguine Weaponry. Spend 5 Blood Points to coat a weapon in thick blood, making it deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage for 1 minute.

Bloody Revival. Spend 7 Blood Points to stabilize a dying creature within 60 feet of you, bringing them back to 1 hit point.

Crimson Portal. Spend 7 Blood Points to tear open a portal in blood, allowing you to step through and teleport to a location within 30 feet, similar to the Misty Step spell. At the end of your next turn, you can choose to return to your original location by stepping back through the portal. If you do not choose to return, the portal dissipates.

Blood Mantle. Spend 11 Blood Points to manifest a protective shroud of blood around you. For 1 minute, you gain resistance to all damage types except psychic and radiant

Blood Puppetry. Spend 13 Blood Points to take control of a creature's blood. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC or be controlled by you, as per the Dominate Monster spell, for 1 minute.

Crimson Wings. Spend 15 Blood Points to sprout wings made of thick blood from your back. You gain a flying speed of 60 feet for 10 minutes.

Your patron is a being of immense power that thrives on the essence of blood. This could be a vampire lord, a blood-thirsty deity, or an ancient primordial creature of the life-force. You have bound yourself to this patron in a pact that grants you power in exchange for offerings of blood.

Extended Spell List
Spell Level



False Life, Inflict Wounds


Gentle Repose, Lesser Restoration


Feign Death, Life Transference


Death Ward, Stoneskin


Contagion, Geas

Blood Bond

At 1st level, when you make a pact with the Blood Lord, you immediately become attuned to the life force within all beings. As a reaction, when a creature within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can reduce your maximum hit points by an amount equal to the damage. The damaged creature then regains hit points equal to twice the amount you sacrificed. You die if you reduce your maximum hit points to 0 or below. This hit point reduction lasts until you finish a short or long rest.

Sanguine Life

At 6th level, by channeling the power of the Blood Lord, you can now utilize any temporary hit points you possess before delving into your actual life force. When using an ability that requires you to reduce your maximum hit points, you can choose to sacrifice any temporary hit points you have first. Only after your temporary hit points are exhausted do you begin to reduce your maximum hit points. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Crimson Rejuvenation

At 10th level, the Blood Lord enhances your recovery from magical healing. Whenever a spell or magical effect causes

you to regain hit points, you regain an additional number of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus.

Blood Magic

At 14th level, you gain a deeper mastery over the essence of life and magic. When you cast a spell that deals damage, you may reduce your maximum hit points by an amount equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) to increase the damage the spell deals by 1d12 for each hit point used in this way. You die if you reduce your maximum hit points to 0 or below using this feature. This reduction in maximum hit points lasts until you finish a short or long rest.



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