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🌠The Star Knights 🌠

In ancient scrolls and long-forgotten tales, there whisper legends of warriors who danced with the cosmos itself. Enter the Star Knights, an elite lineage of fighters who draw their strength not just from steel and skill, but from the very stars above.

These cosmic champions are believed to have shared an unbreakable bond with the celestial bodies. When night falls and the sky is alight with a myriad of stars, the Star Knights awaken their deepest potential, channeling energy that traces back to the dawn of the universe.

It's said that on the darkest nights, they could call upon the constellations for guidance, and in the heat of battle, meteors would heed their call, descending to aid their cause. Their armor, etched with intricate patterns, is said to glow faintly, mirroring the constellations they revere.

But what's more fascinating is their philosophy. To a Star Knight, every individual is a star, a unique source of light in the vast expanse of existence. They believed in destiny, in the alignment of stars, and in the intertwined fates of all beings.



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