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🔥⚒️ 🛡️ Deep within the mountains, where fires burn hotter than anywhere else, a unique clan of barbarians hone their craft. These are not your typical warriors; they're blacksmiths, metallurgists, and artisans. They are the followers of the Path of the Forge.

The tales say that centuries ago, a great chieftain sought to harness the very essence of fire and metal. Drawing inspiration from the volcanoes that surrounded their homeland, these pioneering warriors sought to intertwine the raw fury of their combat spirit with the ancient arts of the forge.

The result? An elite sect of barbarians who fight not just with weapons, but with the very spirit of the forge. They believe their rage to be a reflection of the world's molten core, a primal connection between warrior and world.

Whispered stories among blacksmiths and soldiers alike speak of these fierce combatants who not only wield weapons but create them with an unmatched passion, infusing every strike with the soul of both the smith and the furnace. 🔥⚒️ 🛡️



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