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Emerging from the whispered union of deep roots and ancient stones, the Earthen stride forth as embodiments of the world's harmonious duality. Each step they take resonates with the rhythm of nature, for in their form lies the mingling of the steadfast mountain and the verdant expanse of forests. With skin that recalls the rugged texture of rock, intertwined with green tendrils of moss and flora, they are a testament to the enduring balance that nature always seeks. Their eyes, often crystalline and shimmering, hold the mysteries of the deep caves from which they emerged, and their gestures and movements echo the slow, patient growth of the very trees and minerals they represent.

The lands have known them by many names: Stone Walkers, Mossborn, Rootkin, but they simply refer to themselves as Earthen, a nod to their origin and their ever-present connection to the ground beneath them. Legends speak of their creation as a response of the world to times of imbalance, a tangible manifestation of the earth's desire to heal and protect.

In their presence, one can't help but feel the depth of time and the silent wisdom of ages. They move with purpose, their every action a reflection of the world's natural rhythms. Though they are a rare sight in the bustling cities of man, in the quiet glades and atop remote mountain peaks, they thrive, guardians of the delicate balance between the animate and inanimate.


In the heart of untouched wilderness and at the base of ancient mountains, Earthen societies flourish. Their communities, often called Groves, are intricately connected networks of living spaces carved from caves, canyons, or vast tree trunks. While an outsider might see these spaces as mere geological formations or old forest regions, a closer look reveals meticulous designs and pathways, all shaped without harming the very essence of nature.

The Earthen believe in cycles and the importance of every entity in maintaining the balance of their world. As such, their societal structure reflects these cycles. Elders, known as the Crystalline Council, guide the Groves. Their bodies showcase layers of minerals, signifying centuries of growth and wisdom. Under them, various roles in the society are distributed based on aptitude and connection to certain elements, be it the deep minerals of the earth or the towering trees of the forests.

Trade among the Earthen isn’t materialistic. Instead, they exchange stories, wisdom, and sometimes, infused gemstones that carry experiences. They believe in communal growth and that every individual's experiences enrich the community as a whole.

Harmony with nature doesn't mean the Earthen are isolated. Curious about the world's wonders, many embark on journeys, crossing paths with other races, and sharing the wisdom of the earth. These wanderers often act as emissaries, ensuring that the delicate balance between the Earthen and the wider world remains undisturbed.

Yet, as tranquil as Earthen society may seem, they are not without their challenges. Territorial disputes, often with subterranean creatures or logging civilizations, test their resilience. However, the Earthen always approach conflict with a mindset of understanding and resolution, drawing from the earth's endless patience.

Regardless of the challenges, the Earthen remain rooted in their core beliefs, ensuring that the dance between stone and flora, between strength and growth, continues for eons to come.

Traditions of the Earthen

The Stone's Embrace: A rite of passage for young Earthen, this tradition involves spending a full lunar cycle deep within the heart of a mountain or cave. Immersed in darkness and surrounded by the earth’s embrace, the individual meditates and connects deeper with their mineral lineage. Upon emerging, it is believed that they carry with them the wisdom of the earth’s ancient memories.

Verdant Binding: When two Earthen decide to unite their paths, whether as life partners, close friends, or in a bond of mutual respect, they engage in the Verdant Binding. They plant a seed together, infusing it with their energies, and watch it grow. The health and growth pattern of this plant reflect the bond's strength and potential issues. It acts as a living testament to their connection.

Luminous Memento: The Earthen don't believe in goodbyes. Instead, when one of their kind reaches the end of their cycle, a crystal is infused with their life memories, experiences, and wisdom. These crystals, glowing softly, are placed in communal areas, ensuring that the departed's legacy enlightens future generations.

Harmony Fest: Held during the equinox, this is a time of celebration where Earthen communities sing songs that resonate with the earth’s frequencies. They believe that these harmonies strengthen their connection with the land and revitalize their plant aspects. Dancing, storytelling, and the sharing of experiences are crucial components of this celebration.

Rooted Learning: Instead of traditional schooling, young Earthen are encouraged to spend time with different elements of nature. They might learn patience from the mountains, growth strategies from trees, or the art of adaptability from flowing water. This experiential learning shapes their understanding of the world and their place in it.


Earthen, whose names often reflect a blend of nature's elements and the ancient history from which they emerged

Male Names:

  • Grontharion: Drawing from the sound of deep caves and echoing canyons.
  • Terradorn: A name that combines the essence of earth (terra) with the mystique of ancient legends (dorn).
  • Thalasdran: A blend of the vastness of seas (thalas) with the timeless appeal of age-old stone (dran).
  • Rochendur: Stemming from the word for rock (rochen) and the feeling of enduring timelessness (dur).
  • Mossrandir: Suggesting the soft touch of moss and the wandering spirit of an explorer (randir).
  • Sylvandor: A name reflecting the woods (sylvan) and a gift (dor) of nature.
  • Petrathal: Derived from petra, meaning stone, and thal, pointing towards the mysteries of the deep.
  • Granithor: Combining the unyielding nature of granite with the ancient resonance of lore.
  • Arborundan: A blend of trees (arbor) and the rhythm of age-old chants (undan).
  • Lithandar: From lithos, meaning stone, and the feeling of wandering among ancient relics.

    Female Names:
  • Mossalindë: Drawing from the gentle, nurturing essence of moss, paired with a musical resonance often heard in babbling brooks.
  • Terralyndra: A blend of "terra," indicating the earth, with a lyrical ending reminiscent of wind rustling through ancient forests.
  • Rochelien: Stemming from "roche," meaning rock, combined with a gentle touch, reflecting the softer side of nature's strength.
  • Sylvariel: Reflecting the serenity of woodlands (sylvan) and the ethereal beauty of dawn's first light.
  • Petrilys: Merging "petri," suggestive of deep stones, with the grace of blossoming flowers.
  • Granithel: From granite's enduring strength, blended with the delicate allure of moonlight on a quiet pond.
  • Arborlyn: Combining the steadfastness of trees (arbor) with a melody often heard in a bird's early morning song.
  • Florandriel: Drawing from "flora," symbolizing the bloom of nature, combined with the dreamlike quality of starlit nights.
  • Stonemelis: Merging the solid foundation of stone with the gentle, sweet sound of a distant lullaby.

Naming an Earthen is still a deeply spiritual and communal process, where names are not just labels but echoes of the world's energies. These names seek to encapsulate the vastness of the earth, the intricacies of its many elements, and the age-old stories passed down through the centuries.



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