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Version 1.1 (Updated)
Today, we reveal the Astral Voyager Set, a collection of pieces steeped in the mysteries of the cosmos, just waiting to be donned by an intrepid explorer of the stars. 🌟

Included in this set are:

Helmet of the Astral Voyager (Legendary helmet, grants Truesight and Astral Beacon)

Astral Voyager's Starcloak (Very rare cloak, reveals invisible entities and provides celestial knowledge)

Astral Voyager's Armor (Very rare medium armor, transforms terrain and provides tactical advantages)

Unlock the full potential of the Astral Voyager with the Starjammer's Command, allowing you to summon a Spelljammer unicorn that opens a rift to the Ethereal Plane! 🦄

Prepare for your voyage to the stars, adventurers! 🚀



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