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New Wondrous Item ⚔️ - Feymark Quiver

The Feymark Quiver is a wondrous item made by skilled leatherworkers and enchanted by powerful fey magic. It is said that these quivers were originally created for hunters and archers who lived deep within the forests and groves of the Feywild, where they were often called upon to defend their homes and sacred places from intruders.

As they traveled through the wilds, these hunters would use the Feymark Arrows to strike their prey and protect their homes. The arrows were imbued with fey magic that allowed them to deal additional damage of a random type and had a chance to charm the target. The quiver itself provided protection from fey creatures and gave the attuned creature the ability to teleport short distances within natural environments.

Today, Feymark Quivers can be found in the hands of skilled archers and hunters who have a connection to the fey and the natural world. Some say that these quivers are sought after by those who wish to gain favor with the fey and protect themselves from their mischievous ways.



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