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New Wondrous Item 📖 - The Tome of the Righteous

The Tome of the Righteous is a very rare magic item that is highly valued by the Order of the Radiant Sun, a paladin order devoted to the principles of justice, righteousness, and honor. The order was founded centuries ago by a group of paladins who united their efforts to vanquish the forces of darkness that threatened the land.

Led by the revered paladin, Lord Aethelmar the Radiant, the order soon grew in size and power, earning the respect and admiration of all who knew them. Lord Aethelmar himself was said to have discovered the Tome of the Righteous on one of his many quests, where he was granted the privilege of attuning to the powerful magical item.

Since then, the Tome of the Righteous has been replicated by the order, but each copy is highly coveted and imbued with a fragment of the original's divine essence. The Tome holds the teachings and wisdom of the order's most legendary heroes, providing guidance to any paladin who seeks to follow in their footsteps.

The dark forces of evil covet the Tome and seek to turn its power against the very forces of good that it was meant to protect. For this reason, the Order of the Radiant Sun takes great care to ensure that the Tome is well-protected and never falls into the wrong hands.


Tome of the Righteous V2

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a paladin)

These tomes, bound in rugged leather and adorned with symbols of justice and valor, have been valuable companions to devoted paladins for many generations. The pages within offer insights into paladin practices, filled with annotations, diagrams, and hymns that speak to those with a heart aligned to their sacred duties.

When casting a paladin spell that requires a saving throw, the tome grants a +2 bonus to the spell's DC. Additionally, when a paladin spell instructs you to roll dice for an attack or damage, you roll an additional die of the same type.

Legacy Edition. This is a different version of the original item. Both variants can be explored on our Patreon.



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