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Thank you for your support this term!

This term will feature the free gift pack Term 17 to all subs and it will be sent out to you on January 7th

Term 47 release may be a few days after as I might take a short break for the next couple days. I'm attempting some 3 days water fasting and I'm unsure if I'll have the energy to draw effectively lol

Happy New Year as well. I hope you all have a wonderful 2024. I like to spend the last day of the year reflecting on how things have been this year. What has worked, what could be better and what would push me further towards my goals. I'm gradually getting better with balancing art, relationships, fitness / health and other parts of my life and I feel continuing with my comfort art and making pinup illustrations + hentai illustrations for the beginning of the year will suit me best.

Once I've perfected my workflow and speed. I'd like to explore animations again along with being able to consistently make comics. Until then I'll be including an extra term from the vault, free as a bonus each new term for you guys

I'll be aiming for new types of content around April I reckon is a safe bet with no pressure.


I'll be looking to find someone who can build us a rewards system that will give everyone with an active sub a fantasy themed currency where they can spend them on various things. If anyone can help with this, please shoot me a DM with a price and time.

here are the ideas I've had for reward claims

- Raffle Tickets for monthly free character choice Illustration draw

- Raffle Tickets for monthly free character choice sketch draw

- Past Term Codes

- Commission Discounts

- Prints signed and mailed by me

- Bigger Gumroad Discounts

- Silly things for our Bunny Girl Cafe server like emotes, role names, vanity roles, mute people for a day etc.

- Extra poll voting power

Alternatively, for the monthly character illustration choice. I may just put everyone in the raffle for it and draw a winner. With higher tier subs getting more entires for it 

Tier 1 = 1

Tier 2 = 5

Tier 3 = 10

Tier 4 = 20

Sketch Tier = 100


This will be decided in January! :)

Here also is a commission piece completed this month for our dear patrons, Roberto ♥

Thank you so much for supporting me and your awesome character choice, Green Heart (Vert) ^^



Happy new year!! Excited to see what this year has for us! :) Also very beautiful piece as always!!


Happy new year