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Sorry for the really long wait :) 

I hope you like them if you were a supporter of the terms the messages have been sent out in your patreon dms  

If you missed the dates for either and would like to pick one up, first 10 can get 15% off the terms using code: ITSTOOHOT 

Term 39 https://mirai.gumroad.com/l/term-39/

Term 40 https://mirai.gumroad.com/l/term-40/


I'm trying to be a bit more consistent with releases so this month there will be one term and I'll be thinking about the type of content I want to continue doing as some parts like comics take a very long time  and smaller bits like PSDs and steps eat up a fair bit of time too where I just wanna be making new art

I love making illustrations and hentai content, so these will be the main meals. At the moment I'm considering structuring packs to have 3 main illustrations and 3 hentai illustrations (With Text) - Instead of making 10+ page comics where I haven't been able to keep up with it yet. 

But if you guys would rather just 1 main comic per pack, let me know on discord feedback or anywhere you feel comfortable ♥

I would also like to take the extra time to focus on improving, so I may be doing fewer pieces per term for a little whilst I try to bring up the quality for each more :)

As always thank you so much for choosing to support me, I appreciate each and every one of you




Take your time it’s well worth the wait. Thank you


Thanks for all the great art and you only get better with each work. I happy to support you!


Thank you Jon! ♥ hoping for some big improvements in the coming months. Been on the art course grind and got a 2D animation course next month :)