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Sorry for being inactive this past couple weeks. You may have noticed that we didn't finish a term last month due to being quite behind, so I moved that term over to this month and we'll finish them in September. Sorry for the wait but I always wanna do my best for each term. There's also no charges unless I complete a term, so don't worry about missing any content ^^

I've been spending the extra time studying and taking some art classes. I wanna define my style a bit more and have a better direction / understanding so I can be a lot more consistent and quicker :3

Thank you for reading and supporting me! ♥

Y O U R  R E W A R D S

- NSFW variations




Danalieth Vonlys

Don't worry and take you're time. We're here because we love your art, not because of the punctuality of your schedule.


I sure... wish I could be her throne.

Nolan SoulStar

I wouldn't mind her using my face as a seat👀

Dominique Oliphant

Incredible work on this Arlecchino art! Also no worries, take your time and take care of your health