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A quick bonus for this term!

I wanted to do a pneuma piece similiar to the pyra and mythra ones I did last term ^^

this will just be a bonus so we'll still be getting 4 feature pieces! I'll be doing a nude version for her too!

Hilda, Cynthia, Pola (azur lane) and the winner of our hentai poll (likely rin!) :3


Sorry for taking some time to get back into things again, but we've almost finished Hilda which i'll have posted up for you guys tomorrow. Then i'll finish up that Cynthia piece before the month ends. It's likely Pola, the winner of ther hentai poll and any other bonuses will be completed in the start of the new month, hope you guys can still look forward to those!
I will focus more on bonus variations since there will be less pieces to work with this time (but still more than what's described in the tier rewards) ^^

Patreon Commissions:

As I was hoping to have term 10 finished much sooner before I needed a break to care of personal matters and mental health. I have yet to start those from the last batch and will do so after I have finished term 10 pack, so I won't be able to reopen for anymore until around late June most likely. Hope you can understand

and thank you everyone so much for your patience and support! I really greatly appreciate it ^-^

thank you thank you!



Pneuma Stan



WWWWOOOO!!!!! https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.b1da09dced9c6623d3aeb9bd59eccd99&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2f3oz8xRF0v9WMAUVLNK%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=XhyA%2bPHWmVlf5WDiJLrNn4qlBR%2bzD11BebnVI0706Rs%3d


You don't have to apologize for taking time to take care of yourself! Also this booty looking delicious 🤤💕💦

Mommy Emily

Simply bootyful 🍑❤


I absolutely adore how you draw butts


A mighty fine ass Pneuma has♥️👅 Increidble drawing Mirai


Amazing, lovely as always


thank you two hearsts ! ^^ ♥♥ and yeah i just thought it'd be better to keep everyone up to date that I'm still working on the pack for this month ^-^


I'm glad you like them D! they're my favourite features to draw xD ♥