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Here is how Perona episode is going to start.   

It is about how she went through her early pirate  and being  allies of marines.

So, I would need first page idea to be suggested here.  

She is going to start with flash back of her early self on her bed sleeping while her ghost self wonder around the marine HQ  and she was found by our smiley face captain and do naughty stuff on her.  he would first, 



I like to think that he would be slowly moving his dick into her mouth while she was still out of her body, only to move rapidly and facefucking her (sort of like the WIP arts of that happened that was posted a few days ago)


Yeah while her real body is kind of a husk her mouth is all open and ready for business so he helps himself


Wet willy, wet his finger then shove it in her ear, to give her a shock away