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Hi folks!!!

It's been a long time since I made a post written as a blog hehe. It really has been a very busy year. I truly cannot believe what this Patreon has become, thanks to the support of all of you. As I always say, this would not be possible if you were not there. It is also incredible the number of messages I receive from you, encouraging me, telling me that you like this content, something that makes me extremely happy and always drives me to want to go further, to do things better.

And on this special date, I wanted to not only thank you for everything, but also wish you a very Merry Christmas and that all your wishes come true.

I know that for many these are difficult dates, in fact, I don't remember if I mentioned it before, but for me it has also become a somewhat difficult date for a few years (a couple of years before starting this Patreon) and perhaps it feels almost empty or cliché to wish a "Merry Christmas", but that is precisely what it is about, it is not just a saying, but wishing it from the heart to those around us, even (and although it is very difficult) to those who do not love us. Happiness often costs, requires effort, but always, ALWAYS, if you don't give up along the way, sooner or later it will come.

Therefore, I wish each and every one of you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.

And as a journalist named Harry Reasoner said:

"Because the message of Christmas IS the Christmas Story. If it is false, we are doomed. If it is true, as it must be, it makes everything else in the world all right."


PS: Now I will soon be uploading the PrivateSlam compilation, on Tuesday a new chapter of Killer Muscle (there will be a preview tomorrow) and this week I will be finishing sending all the pending commissions, once again sorry for the delay, it really has been a lot those that arrived in November 😅



Jordan Lew

Merry Christmas to you too!


Feliz navidad para vos también!

sven mueller

Merry Christmas and the next story killer muscle 😍😍💯💯💯