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Hello friends how are you?

Well I'm posting this to comment a little on what's coming: in a few hours, the second part of Titanic Hera will be uploaded, which I hope you like, thank you very much for your patience, the truth is that I'm late because I have a lot of work to do and sometimes those things get in the way, but believe me that it comes out or comes out somehow hehe

When I started this Patreon I never imagined the repercussion it would have, and I say it, I repeat it, that you, people, are the best in the world, I will never finish thanking all the support I receive and that is why I am always looking to offer you a better contents.

This month the "Extreme" content will be launched. You'll have access to everything that has been seen, will also be able to obtain the editable files of the illustrations, for those who like to do editing and all that, also there will be content... let's say "not suitable for sensitive people". There will also be more animations, in fact I am already preparing the second chapter of "Project Abigail", among other animations that there will be too.

Of all the ideas that you have been sending me, a lot of material will come from it

But (not everything can be good hehe) unfortunately when I start doing so many things, I am forced to reduce the frequency of posts a bit, obviously it will continue to be every week but instead of posting every day I will have to reduce it a bit to 4 (maybe 5) times a week. I know it's a little less but believe me it will be worth it

Ah I forgot also this month I will open the commissions for animation, so if you want something specific, you can write me here by inbox, later I will give you more information

Well I think that's all for now, I leave you with this image which in itself is an image that I had posted on my Deviant Art account but I had modified her face. Although in this original sketch it always seemed to me that this face gave her a feeling of being even more powerful, in fact I already imagined an FMG sequence with her hehe



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