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Hi folks! How are you?? Well, it's been a long time since I wrote a post (except for the ones he explained that I was late) and I wanted to tell you a few things. As always and first of all, thank you all infinitely for your support. I never thought that this Patreon would go so far and today thanks to you I am still here and it is still something that I am passionate about doing today πŸ’–πŸ˜

I also wanted to apologize, I know that I am late with some commissions, but please keep in mind that you will receive them for sure, it is that many times it is difficult to complete everything on time due to the volume of work that I handle (that and dealing with things that happen In my life, those are never missing πŸ˜… ) But I will really do the impossible to fulfill you.

Which speaking of delays, yes, tomorrow the chapter of "The Trap" will be ready, it was a mistake in my time calculation, I thought it was going to finish today but as I was doing it I realized that this chapter needed more I work, so tomorrow it will be ready (there are times when I don't even know what day I live with everything I have to do πŸ˜…).

As I mentioned before, new stories will come, there are more things prepared, but the truth is, and this was the main reason that led me to write this post. Because sometimes, when you are involved in these things, you tend to lose your way a little and I really wanted to know if you really like what you see here, if you are satisfied.

I would like to know if there is anything you want to see, or that you would like to see in the comics, or in the animations. Several of you have sent me great ideas and with that I am also preparing material, but please be free to suggest/criticize, things that you would change, things that (as I said before) you would like to see, I will be reading them. I know that many times I don't answer, but believe me, I read all your comments! πŸ˜πŸ’– and everyone is always very welcome.

Because I really want to work to make this Patreon a place that you want to visit and really like the things you find here.

A few have mentioned to me that they are having problems viewing the website, although I am working on the website so that these problems do not continue to occur, sometimes it may be a problem of browser incompatibility, it is rare that it happens, but it does happen. And I know that using the web may have become a bit annoying, but, although on the one hand I did it for the reasons that I put in this previous post, I also had to do it for a security issue, to protect the content of what I published here

And last (but not least) once again thank you, I did it at the beginning of this post, I did it many times and I will always continue to do it. Thanks to you who are supporting me on this Patreon πŸ’– To those who are always there, to those who are joining, as I have always said, they deserve the best and that is something that I want to give to you, always!!!!! πŸ˜ƒ



I love the stories and sequels of the strong superheroes being totally defeated by these humongous babes. I saw a few pictures of the green big man , also knowin in Marvel as Hulk. A meet between a babe and him would be nice to see.


Especially as he is being humiliated and degraded , even seduced :) ....