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Hi friends how are you? This post was to inform you that I am having some technical problems.
Where I live, some very strong storms broke out that affected the electrical service in my area and there is a general blackout. Only now I was able to make some "magic connections! hehe so that I can have some energy until the electricity is restored. I also continue working with the little electric power I have, so tomorrow I will be publishing another comic (although I still haven't decided which one hehe )

But I wanted to let you know about it, thank you very much for being there ❤️❤️❤️



With all my heart thank you very much to all of you!!! Yes luckily we are fine, it was a blackout that lasted almost two days. The storm is still continuing and caused disasters: flooded streets, fallen trees, loose cables. I was lucky that this morning the electricity came back on, but there are still many areas of people that are without electricity 😟