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A dramatic parody of Resident Evil. A researcher's experiment explodes! There's a containment breach and the team lead, Christina is infected by the virus and turned into a monstrous creature. Alexis, the woman who sabotaged the experiment is laying low after the blast and is soon found by the monstrous Christina's new form. Her pheromones overwhelm Alexis and she becomes the creature's tentacle appendage before she moves on to add more staff to itself, perhaps even "Plesker", the head of Parasol...

This is the first TF audio produced with our newest member of the KU team, MidnightShine!  They have a professional background in sound design and audio engineering and we are so excited to have their expertise and creativity with us here!


Alexis: Calyopi
Christina: Areli

[Fade-in, interior, alarm blaring, laboratory setting, distant rumble of damage, fire blazing]

Christina: *coughing* (confused, weakly sputtering) What the hell happened?! Where is Alexis! *coughing*

[Door open/close, Christina enters adjacent office. Muted alarm sound]
(beep sound as she radio’s security)

Christina: Security! The entire level is on lockdown! There was- *cough* a breech in the virus lab. Containment protocols were sabotaged! What the hell is going on?!

(radio static)
Christina: I’m head of research here, goddammit!... Security!... Shit!

Christina: (to herself) I’m not Parasol’s labrat. They’re gonna pay for-...

[slow build of monstrous transformation sfx]
Christina: (build-up ragged breathing)  Ugh.. I- my neck-... what’s- (slimy gurgle) Bleughh~...

Christina: (trembling, ragged) What is this?! I got infect- (sharp pain) UGH!...

Christina: The virus… I-... transforming… need to document- (slimy gurlge) grROWthhh…

Christina: My chest- Ouuugh.. These tiiits~! Bigger- So hot!

Christina: *deep, lusty, but uncomfortable groan*

Christina: (broken cadence, fast changes) Neck… longerrr… sprrROU-ting… ten…taclesss… all overrrr… GET…ting… biiiiig~

Christina: (slow, deep yucky voice) Alexisssss… I know… it was youuuu… (low groans and grunts as TF finishes)

[Monstrous transformation completes and scene transitions]

[Quieter alarm, office interior]

Alexis: (quietly) *whew…* Got out just in time. Sorry, Christina, but after today, I'll be head of Parasol R&D. Then we can finally get past this pet project of-

[close rumble sfx and a door down the hall creaks open]
Alexis: What? Is security doing their sweep already?

[sound of heavy, sludgy footsteps moves across way from behind listener, slight shimmery sfx]

Christine: (voice is multiplied and monstrous) Alexissss…. Come out…

Alexis: (to self) What's that smell, it… feels… weird…

[slow creak of door open, foot stops and slimy sfx inside]

Christine: (playful, gross sounding) There you arrre…

Alexis: What the hell are you?!

Christine: You don't recognize me, Dr Ashfort?

Alexis: C-Christine?! What happened to you?

Christine: Your little stunt unleashed the prototype virus into the lab and changed me- gave me power~

Alexis: You’re- the virus actually worked?

Christine: OF COURSE IT WORKED! I- *sigh* *low grumble* How about I show you~? My pheromones have filled this room. I’m sure even an airhead like you noticed them tickling your brain~

Alexis: What- what are you doing? Why am I getting-... so warm… (light-headed) Oughh… feel… funny…

Christine: Chemicals and hormones bathing your gray matter with intense desire… to join me~

Alexis: Join you?

Christine: I have a special place between my legs I think suits a worm like you best~ come and be part of the future~

[merging and slimy sfx begin]
Alexis: (weakly) I- ough… I can’t move… My legs- you… they're gone! Ough~ my arms are- they’re-

[Alexis softly moans, continues changing]

Christine: Melting into your new shaft-like form. You’ll make a lovely tendril to spread my influence. Softly bubbling and frothing my powerful pheromones to make everyone in this entire complex my thralls~!

Alexis: So warm~... my body is grow- inggg… long…er… (drool sfx)

Christine: With you sputtering out my pheromones, Parasol security will be easy to conquer, then the administrator’s personnel… then Plesker himself~

Alexis: *gurgling sfx* (make it gross) Feel… good… cumm…ingggg…

Christine: You thought you were so smart, now look at you: nothing but a gurgling, fleshy, drooling tentacle~.

Alexis: *final soft gurgly groans and moans, 20 sec*

Christine: Let's find the other scientists and add them to my splendid new form, I can always use more tentacles~



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