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First of all thank you you guys for pledging on my Patreon page and for all the lovely supports. I usually post the main contents on Patreon around Saturday or Sunday (I don’t have the exact schedule to upload because I am a full-time college student, but I will make sure that you get everything as promised).


Anyway, each and every of my Patrons can contact me or suggest literally anything in the private message, I may be a slow reader but I read everything.


And yes, all of the custom art used in any of my audios here Is the random photos that really exist in my phone’s gallery (which all of them are taken by either me, my friends or my mum) so that we could be a little bit closer hehe <33


And this photo right here is actually my first ever YouTube profile, guess there’s nobody ever seen the full version of it, so there you go :)



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