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Hey, it's Gildamore, and something messed up his prediction!




I think the concern is less seeking out the great dragon lady and more what caused Scott to save Cassie's life. Going by what Gildamore said she was meant to die in that fight and the Simon would recruit Melanie, instead Scott saved her and got recruited instead.


Somehow I'm ok with meeting the dragon - I'm more worried of who was the one who turned Melanie into frog. Even if that seems to be easier to fix. Gildamore's powers are impressive - or Shadow Man's magic has limitations and only really affects regular humans. (probably so; Simon did not seem to have issues remembering Scott)

Patrick Hunt

Is this ex-wife the one who has been helping Robin?


There was the guy who bumped into Scott back in chapter 4 could this be another time travel shenanigans thing? Also I can’t remember but do we see any more of Mira’s and Gildamore’s interaction when she summons him?