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So if I was smart, I would have made this a 15 panel update and held on to the rest so that I could build up a buffer, but it didn't feel fair to cut the update off just before the good part!

Also, I think I'm going to schedule these updates for Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays.



Halima Abdi

I was hoping for a thicker, curvier physique, (or something with more muscles) but alas...


Her current outfit is a bit bulky, and hides what's underneath. So she's a bit more muscled than she currently looks (but with more of a runner's physique than a body builder's). There is also an image of her in the July 10th concepts post.


I like the hair colour, also may I suggest Amelia pour the female to male potion down her own throat once Leah loses the one she's holding here.