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So after trying a double comic last update, doing it once made it easy to do again, particularly because now I can properly introduce you all to Jess and her role in the comic! I've been waiting forever for this!

The idea of using the Dreamband to inhabit people's Sense Streams and Streamers having implants to record those Streams and let followers take the wheel is what turned this comic from just a short story to a full length webcomic.

Things aren't going to get complicated for Felix right away, but when they do, it's going to get wild!




I'm kinda lost... I think I should re-watch it from the beginning


Panel 6 has a word order issue. Line currently reads "You kicked me out nothing with but my underwear". You must have flipped the positioning of "with" and "nothing". The line probably should read "You kicked me out with nothing but my underwear"

Zoe Storm

I'm completely unsurprised that people use the dreamband for... Ahem... Sexy purposes, but I'm surprised I didn't consider exactly HOW it could be used before this strip.


Love this turn of events :D