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So this comic is based around a story idea I've been toying around with for a while, which is: if Toby decided to make money off of these berries, how could he do it? So this is going to be a comic about Toby and Dave spit-balling ideas back and forth about how the berries could be used.

For this comic, there are two areas where I'd love to have your input:

The first would be suggestions for how the berries could be used. To get us started, here are a few of my own ideas [Edit: I imagine each of these scenarios being about a page long, narrated by Toby/Dave, first row: the set up, second row: transformation, third row: the ideal girl in action]:

- As a party trick, to have a similar night to what the guys had at the beginning of Idealized..

- Inspired by Robin, sell to someone Trans for a one night experience

- Farm the berries to sell a daily dose for a person to semi-permanently be a girl 

- For a dinner date

- For free drinks at a bar (of course the berry would cost way more than the drinks, I didn't say these had to be good ideas)

- For cosplay and/or a convention (or Halloween)

- Go shopping with your girlfriend

- Go undercover to learn more about a girl a guy has a crush on

- For a cop to go undercover

- For a spy to infiltrate an organization 

- Transform a jerk for revenge

The second area would be the transformations themselves. What kind of transformations and ideal girls would you like to see? Skinny, curvy, strong, tall, short. Tall guy to short girl, chubby guy to body builder girl, one race to another? Describe the guy, what kind of girl is his ideal woman?

Post your ideas! I might put these to a poll, but the berries offer so many possible transformations that a poll might not be needed. Maybe I can just prioritize the suggestions with the most likes.

Finally, I don't have a schedule planned for this comic, and I'll probably be posting them randomly.




I'm really curious about what those berries do do a gay man who actively hates women. There would be no women he is attracted to or admires.


Also what happens if a woman eats one? If anything happens, then is there a difference between how it responds to a straight woman and how it responds to a lesbian?


Well, I'm always a big fan of heterosexual guys using magic like this to try out being a chick. So I'd really love to see just someone curious taking the berry and trying out being a chick for a night. Or one (or a bunch) of guys taking the berries to become chicks for a night partying with their (still male) friends and possibly ending up in bed. :) Maybe one dude has the idea and is looking forward to this, and he's talking two more friends, one almost as interested, the other rather hesitant but being talked into it, into taking the berries. So six guys, three take the berries and they head off into the night. As for the girls... I guess one would become a petite asian girl with long, black hair, another one (originally caucasian) would become a Indian girl (like Varada Sethu / Cinta Kaz from Andor) and the third one a leggy blonde...? Maybe they already know the six guys and know that one of them would be super interested, so these three would be their first "trial sell"? Or two guys, both of whom are rather shy and rarely get female companionship, they get two berries for two nights - and each of them becomes the others date for the night.


Well, this is just Toby and Dave imagining what would happen, so they might wonder if he might simply disappear!


The berries currently don't work on women, but that doesn't mean that Robin won't try modifying one to change girls into guys in the future as a favor to Mary and Cassie.


What if it was done in a limitless type situation? Could even lead to some type of magic/technology tangent for the berries as they try to recreate the effects, or maybe find a way to harvest seeds from the berries to grow more trees. Also curious how someone eating a berry who's ideal self was a magical girl would interact against the heart guardians if they all get their powers from cats like simon


So I should clarify that Toby isn't actually going to sell the berries, this is just him musing about how he might do it. Also I imagine each scenario will be just a page or two, but I like the idea of showing three guys transforming at once to go out and party with three other guys, so I can see this one being a longer one.


If we are talking about a real world with real consequences, the sky is the ljmit so long as there is a good faith and expressed consensual agreement between two rational actors. Hypothetically: 1. I would have a genuine intellectual curiosity of experiencing the opposite sex in whatever situation I think men and women differ. 2. After thoroughly experiencing the opposite sex with complete intellectual and academic satisfaction, I would probably live a second and intermittent life for means of procuring as much money as I could for personal gain.


Someone with a magical girl as their ideal woman would get their powers from the berry directly instead from a magical cat like Simon (who gets his power from his boss). Toby and Dave don't know about the Heart Guardians yet, but having a page with them imagining what might happen if they gave a guy a berry to create a magical girl / superhero would be a fun idea. As for growing more berry shrubs, there is a complication, but the main line comic will sort of get into that later.


So, since the berries worked on Robin, they don't function off of gender but instead probably function off of something about the anatomy of whoever ingests them. (Unless they function by looking up birth certificates or some other legal documents, but that seems weird for magic berries) I wonder how they would respond to an intersex person. Or how they would respond to a trans person at varying stages of transition. Would they work on a trans man who has been on testosterone for years and has gotten both bottom and top surgery? What about a trans woman who has been on estrogen and antiandrogens for years and has gotten bottom surgery, facial feminization, and grew rather large boobs? What about trans people who got puberty blockers in time to prevent natal puberty and then started hormones as teenagers? If it does switch how it reacts to them, at what point does that happen? Is there a point where it provides partial effects? Do the effects flicker in and out of existence at that point?


*spoilers* There's going to be a fun little part later on in Heart Guardians that's going to get into this in more detail. There are a few characters who I created for Scott's backstory who were supposed be throwaways who were only meant to appear for a few panels, but then they were like "hey, I'm awesome, I'm going to stick around for a lot longer".


Hm, some more ideas: 1) Two friends and colleagues, one loses a bet and has to pose as the others secretary for a day (so last panel would be her in a skirt suit, taking an order from her friend 2) One dude taking a berry to be a stand-in for his friend's female cosplay partner at a convention (kinda like you already suggested) 3) A waiter taking a berry to see if he's better tipped when he's a woman (and now having to fend off guys hitting in her) 4) Some sort of dare... Like, a pilot acquaintance of a female flight attendant always tells her that being an FA is way easier than being a pilot, so eventually she's fed up and dares him to prove it: He takes the berry (after passing security for a domestic flight where he's dead heading), turns into a girl and then spends the flight as a flight attendant servicing customers (which of is way harder than he thought, much to his friend's glee). Last panel might be her servicing customers on the plane in her flight attendant's uniform. 5) A strip club's owner is short on staff, so he takes a berry himself to fill in as a dancer. Last panel would be her performing on stage for the customers.