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Well I guess it didn't take long for things to fly off the rails!




Well that's one hell of a coming out party.


I thought catfight was something else :D Simon is not wrong - not her brother, but still bit hasty response for someone who's supposed to be a leader/advisor. I'd assume things get even worse until future Simon arrives...


“That’s not your brother” correct, she’s your sister “that’s a faerie in disguise” technically also correct! Lol


I'm enjoying this update immensely, so I feel bad I need to point out an issue that was already present in part 2, and pops-up here too. Some of the panels have very dark main characters, eclipsed as they are by a bright background, for example HG03_050.jpg, image #5 in this update. A photographer would tackle the issue with more lights, for example in the three-point lighting method, a key light and fill light would be added. I understand you are well ahead in creating the story, and these panels have been rendered a long time ago. Adding more light may also consume too much resources, especially render time. I am curious to read your thoughts on the matter, which was not so visible in Idealized.

Alyson Greaves

Aww, the little kitty is so protective! This continues to be a great story.


[Deleted] Thought about this more, and it's a consequence of my preference to rely only on physical lights where possible (sun, indoor lights), how I build a scene and its lights before rendering anything, and then moving characters around in the scene only to discover that the lighting in one part of the scene doesn't work as well as where I started. The problems in the first panels of Part 3 is also a result that this was the first time I worked with that apartment scene and hadn't finished tuning the lights in that scene. The lighting in Part 3 gets better tuned as the scene goes on, but the need to go back and fix problems I notice as I go (like the lighting in the first dozen panels of Part 3) is a battle against my desire to push forward in the story. The problem is that my desire to rush forward into the story usually always wins out.


Geezzz I need to focus way more here... :D :D :D so many time loops and parallel universes... ;)


Simon you're an idiot let the girl explain instead of constantly interrupting and attacking. Also I'm now confused as she is definately not a mess from having her friends killed so is Cass not pink guardian?