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So I've had a heck of a time trying to cross-post (https://www.reddit.com/r/webcomics/comments/x70cmu/i_felt_like_there_werent_enough_gender_bender/) or directly post the first 15 strips, or just the transformation sequence alone in strips 4 & 5 to r/gendertransformation/ on Reddit, as I figured that would be the most appropriate place to share Being Fiona on Reddit after r/webcomics.

The few times I've tried, my post gets automatically deleted from that subreddit. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, maybe the Reddit account I'm using to post is too new?

Does anyone have any advice? Are their any other sub-reddits where it would be worth sharing this comic?



The pinned post there says that “captions and stories” are banned. Maybe they consider webcomics a story? Most posts there seem to specifically be transformation sequences. Edit: Comments on that post recommend /r/genderotica

Halima Abdi

You'd have to go to NSFW/fetish-specific subreddits, mainstream subs don't allow NSFW/fetish material.


Which is funny, because they liked it on r/webcomics, it was the NSFW ones where I had trouble!


Keep in mind that Reddit users in general are not too fond of excessive self-promotion and cross-posting. This is especially true when the crosspost happens between communities that share most of the same user base. There is also the possibility that the NSFW subreddits you chose were expecting more explicit artwork. Each subreddit has its own moderators and rules, this may include automatic rejection of content from recent accounts (but you would receive a message I believe).