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*Spoilers Below the Dots* 

So I had planned to post this right after the last chapter of Idealized was completed, but I got distracted.

Below is a rough outline of the various episodes I have planned for the Robin Harper Series past Idealized and Heart Guardians. There's a lot of them, some might get cut, some might get added, and a lot of them probably won't end up being as big as Idealized or Heart Guardians.

[Edit: Added a potential new story after Heart Guardians]






RH1: Idealized

Toby gives Rob a magic berry, Rob turns into Robin, you guys know the story.

RH2: Heart Guardians

A Magical Girl themed story about Robin's sister Cassie and her husband Scott. After attempting to tell her sister that she is transitioning into a girl, Robin discovers that her sister already knows about magic, and that Cassie has been working as a Magical Girl for nearly a decade. The story then shifts to the backstory of how Scott met Cassie, became a Magical Girl, and how he dealt with the sudden ability to turn into one at will.

RHx: Magic School [Tentative]

[Still playing around with this idea, this could change drastically] In the aftermath of Heart Guardians, Robin is sent to a magical college for those with magical talent. Time is slowed down in this place as she spends about 8 years at this school over the span of a single real world summer. Robin finds herself swept up in the adventures of bad girl Tabitha and a pair of boys as they attend transformation, enchantment, potion, and various other classes. The friends go on field trips to visit various locations on land and under the sea, and as a class are even forced to spend a week as the opposite gender! 

RH3: The Professional [Working Title]

After finishing school, Robin and Tabitha apprentice under the powerful Draconic Sorceress Anna Thorne.

Much to Robin's discomfort, Anna is an exclusive consultant who specializes in providing her clients with unique erotic experiences. Some clients, if they could somehow break their strange compulsion to not talk about their experiences, would swear that it's as if she's performing magic.

Jeremy, a wealthy stock broker, visits Anna for the first time after being referred to her by his business partner. Strange things happen and Jeremy finds himself walking home from his appointment in the temporary form of a hot young college girl.

Things get weirder for Jeremy after that, as every time Anna forces Jeremy again into that form, the girl's life seems to become ever more real.

RH4: Life Swap [Working Title]

Robin finally has her license and is now practicing on the side, visiting patients in their dreams! In one of her early interventions, she matches up pairs of people who would be willing to swap their life with anther people of the other gender.

One of these swaps is between Ashley and Lucas, and at first things go well in the initial trial. But then Ashley in Lucas' body decides that she doesn't want to give up on her current girlfriend, flies across the country, and suddenly shows up like a crazy person at her old body's apartment!

RH5: Test Drive Vacation

Sam orders some transformation potions from a [probably Tabitha's] black market website, then he takes a vacation and books a hotel room for a week to try them out. After trying out various different potions and female bodies, she meets a guy, gets drunk, gives him a potion to change him into a girl and accidentally gives him all of the masculine potion when she changes him back!

Potential Story, RH6: Robin uses her magic to help a recently married guy transition, but his new wife isn't sure she's happy with her husband's choice. Might include a vacation at an island resort where the two try a week as a various couples in different configurations.

Mini-story, RH7: Dave gets into a relationship with a girl while in his girl form. Tired of living a double life, Dave seeks help with having his life rewritten so that he was always a girl, however Debbie's new rewritten life isn't anywhere close to her old life and she needs Robin's help to get her old life and girlfriend back! This might be merged into one of the other stories.

Potential Story, RH8: Summer Job Robin offers a divorcee with no family left the opportunity to start a new life. Robin transforms the man into a first-year undergrad, in a program in a field she wishes she had chosen in her old life. But it is only spring, so the new girl has to occupy herself with something for the spring and summer before school. They are given a job as a life guard at a resort.

Potential Story, RH9: The Mermaid Bracelet A guy visits his girlfriend's family cottage where she shows him a magic band that transforms a person into a mermaid. The girlfriend's cousin has a bracelet as well, one that lets you be a merman. Except, our hero always seems to be stuck with the mermaid bracelet! And worse, weird things happen when you use the second bracelet without undoing the first!

Potential Story, RH10: Rebirth A middle-aged villain from a previous story is approached by Robin and given the offer of having fifty years added to their lifespan! The catch is that Robin gets to wipe their memories and transform them into an unborn child, forcing them to restart their life from scratch.

However 18 years later things go awry when they suddenly regain their old identity after fooling around with magic with their new friends. The world is a strange new place filled with magic, and the villain discovers that they aren't just a hot young college girl, but also a dryad or fox girl! [might push this to happen after the next comic]

RH11: The Rebel [Working Title]

Tabitha has married the human man of her dreams, Elliot. But one day a Faerie appears before Elliot, informs him that he is a changeling, and whisks him away to his father's realm for a marriage to a Princess. Elliot is not happy, and sneaks out for various adventures with one of his father's servants. After Elliot is shown that everyone in his life has forgotten him, the servant convinces Elliot to adopt a new identity. In an act of Rebellion, Elliot adopts a female identity of Ellie to throw a wrench in her father's marriage plans, and works with the servant to overthrow her father and free humanity from the secret society of magical beings who are holding the world hostage.

Meanwhile, Tabitha hasn't forgotten about her husband and reaches out to her former fellow apprentice Robin for help with finding him!

*After this point, the general public now knows about magic*

Potential Story, RH12: Exams Shortly after magic becomes public, a girl asks a boy to write her exam for her as a copy of her

Potential Story, RH13: The Clone After his boss jokes about how he wished there were two copies of a productive worker. Upper management offers that worker with the chance have himself magically duplicated. In return, the company will pay for any physical improvements the worker would like made to his new self. Lacking a girlfriend, the worker decides to make his clone a girl, so that he might have a romantic companion. His female self has other feelings about the situation.

Potential Story, RH14: The Mermaid Two guys visit a new kind of pool, one where you get transformed into a merperson for your swim. One friend tricks the other into transforming into a mermaid, except after they finish swimming, that friend starts turning back into a mermaid whenever they get wet! 

Potential Story, RH15: Undercover A pair of Special Agents of the Magical Crimes Division are on the hunt for a dangerous Warlock, however to get close, they will have to assume the identities of a pair of the Warlock's employees. The Wizard Special Agent discovers his undercover identity will be that of a Sorceress!

Potential Story, RH16: Transformation Party A group of university students mess around with magic at a party.

Potential Story, RH17: For a Friend A young man who is about to magically transition tricks his friend into transforming into a girl for a Halloween party so that he doesn't have to undergo his transformation alone.



This looks great, and I'm looking forward to many of these, especially the mermaid stuff and the "let's try out being a chick" stuff like the Test Drive and the TF Party, but isn't this a monumental planning? Idealized took you the better part of a year, so... much of this is years out, some of it possibly a decade? Isn't it likely your roadmap will change during all that time? ^^

Alyson Greaves

It turns out I had absolutely no idea what I was getting into, signing up for this Patreon... and I'm really glad I did. Excited to watch all this develop!

Halima Abdi

All this sounds really interesting, especially the gradual reveal of magic to the world! I just hope we can get some non-white major characters getting TGed, as well

Nathan Racher

Or some racially tf tg. It is usually underrated and fairly rare in this genre.


Oh, I'm sure it'll change. Test Drive Vacation was originally going to be my first CG comic, the Professional was going to be Idealized's sequel, etc. I'll be updating this as I get new ideas. A lot of these are also potential stories, as in, I have a vague idea of what I'd like to do, but I don't really have a clear plot worked out, and won't work it out until I get closer to writing that story.


Adding in some more non-white major characters is something I'd like to improve on, but that desire is fighting against my habit of simply making every girl a red head by default. That said, I think Episode 3 has a major character who needs a redesign, and Episodes 4 & 5 have some potential for it. (Episode 2 has some non-white supporting characters, but so far in the script it's mostly Scott and existing characters who have TG transformations).