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So after rendering about 300 panels of Book 2, I came to the conclusion that I wasn't happy with the female Red Guardian's appearance. And since she is one of the stars of Book 2, I want to get her look right.

Fortunately, she shares the beginning of this story with Robin and Robin's sister Cassie, so I only need to fix about 30 of those panels, meaning that fixing her isn't going to be like fixing Robin's Adeline form, which I re-rendered Chapter 1 of Idealized more than twice over until I was happy with Adeline.

I was about to throw out her entire model and give her a completely different facial structure when I figured out that simply replacing her skin texture fixed the problem (adding eyeliner seems to have done the majority of the work).

Anyhow, her old version is on the left, her new version is on the right.

I also threw in a pair of images that show the earliest version of her character.

Another update for Idealized is coming tonight!



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