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And our hero's journey continues! This time with extra panels to make up for the last two weeks we lost.

This time they're pretty they've solved their problem, so I'm sure there's no way this fix will eventually backfire!

The majority of these panels are a recent addition to the story. Originally after switching off the demon race, they were going to be a fox girl for about 4 panels, play with their ears and tail and then move on. However after I created the Fiona spin-off of Dreamband, the plot of this comic became kind of aimless. 

In my original outline, the main character was going to run through all of the female versions of the game's races, play a game with their friend, then play a solo adventure as a girl (lesbian love story), and then play with friends as a girl (straight love story). The problem with the last two parts of the story was that both were going to be a lot of plot with only one or two bits of payoff at the end of each. The second problem was that Dreamband Fiona is going to cover much of the same ground (in terms of a guy playing a VR game as a girl) but do more with it and go further outside of the game. The thing is that Fiona's plot has been going so slow that we are still about a month away from Felix meeting two other main characters and calling himself Fiona, and probably more than a year away from meeting the fifth main character; and I didn't want to have both bonus comics be two lengthy plot focused comics.

Anyhow, after I added these panels where the main character "fixed" their problem their avatar being attracted to guys, I got a new sense of where I wanted to take this story and how I want to end it after we get through all of the various races (we still have 10-12 races to go).




Typo panel 97: "instead of defaulting an character" → "instead of defaulting a character". Also maybe "boy crazy" (panels 95 and 100) should be "boy-crazy"? Could make it easier to parse for non-native English readers.


Sooo now she's girl crazy as she seemed a lot more interested in boys than most grown women are. At least going by her not noticing the tail and focusing on them instead when there's no boys around to think about, while when she's attracted to girls and seeing herself in the mirror she does think about the tail. Odd. I also find myself torn between it being a shame she's not willing to explore what its like to be a straight girl even if just during character creation as its a unique chance and concerned at how much this game can alter someone's mind and personality.