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So I'm still on vacation and without access to most of my working files, so like last week, instead of Dreamband - Character Creation, I'm going to upload some old comic art.

In this week's case, all the panels are for the comic that I was going to release after "The Loaner" over on TGC. However I just couldn't get this comic to work.

When I originally started making comics, I had heavily relied on screenshots from movies and adult material (Patreon gives me a warning when I use a certain word) for my reference material. I wasn't and am still not overly confident with my proportions and posing, and using this method really gave the art this extra bit of character (you guys can take some guesses about what/who I used for references above, I don't think it'll be too hard) but it came with the downside that I would have to dig through the reference material for the poses I needed.

It also meant that when searching through that reference material, I would get new ideas, and would try to incorporate that into the story.

So what begin as a simple story of an agent stuck in the opposite gender for a mission, tempted to explore their body, but nothing further, then sneaking into the villain's liar, being caught by a double cross and then revealing a triple cross, the comic would end with the main character accepting their new body and making out with their partner.

But then I wanted to add a sex scene with Abby and Maggie, then I pushed the ending sex scene to the middle of the story, and eventually I just lost sight of the plot and gave up after struggling with this comic over two to three years.

I'd still like to come back to this comic, and with a few tweaks, I plan to incorporate it into the Robin Harper Universe. And while I know it would be easier to convert this into a CG comic, I really like the art I made for this comic. So when I do eventually bring it back, I'm hoping to bring it back with a hand drawn art style, but redrawn so that it isn't as close to its reference material as it originally was.

Next Tuesday, when I'm back home, I plan to upload a double or triple batch of panels for Dreamband - Character Creation.




I quite enjoyed the little snippet of this abdonned comic. Such an great setting and art style. I’m eager to see how this will play out in the RH story ^,^