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[I accidentally posted strip number 4 right now instead of posting it as a scheduled post for next week. So as an apology for everyone who got the email notification about it, here's strip #3 a few hours early. I've deleted the Strip 4 post, it'll show up again next week like when it was supposed to]

And now our two main characters have names!

I hope all of you are enjoying this comic as much as I've been having fun writing it! I've spent the last week developing the outline for this story and it keeps on growing! So far I've finished the script for about 30 weekly strips, which cover only about an eighth of the outline I've completed so far. Felix is about to find himself going on quite the adventure!

Writing a script for a 4 panel comic has been quite a different experience that writing one for a single panel multiple page comic. For Idealized and Dreamband, if I want to add some dialogue, I just insert a new panel in between some existing ones. But for this style of comic, I can add a fifth panel if needed, but that means shrinking the other four panels because the width and height of the overall comic has to stay the same.

And I can't just move that last panel to the next strip, because a strip is like a paragraph, and a paragraph feels weird if it just abruptly ends.

When I started writing this comic, the first three strips started out as a single strip, then as I refined the dialogue, they split to two strips. And then when I realized that the text was way too small, the last two split again so that the text didn't feel crowded.



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