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Robin proposes an alternate solution



Tomáš Blábol

on the last page, what are those lines on her forehead?


Bad news for new Robin - seems that she'll end up with a bigger bust ;) Pretty good for first transformation - just forgot the ears...


A render glitch. Daz's renderer doesn't seem to like mesh with a transparent material (the scalp texture) overlapping with other meshes (Robin's head), so it creates shadows or something at the intersection point. I usually catch it, but this time I missed it.

Tomáš Blábol

Quick question. If you have time in future, would you do detailed picture of their fae eyes from close distance? I realy like em and if I zoom in it's not as detailed as I'd like.


I don't have any specific comment. Just wanted to say I'm really enjoying this story


Clever girl and this Gildamore is interesting.


The store page for the character I used to create Mira has some nice close-ups of their eyes: https://www.daz3d.com/fi-for-daisy-8 Does that help?