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Evan reacts to Robin's confession




I don’t get it


what’s happening?


Little role-play to the rescue ;) Bit weird, but they are good friends, so Evan knew what would work... And he is probably not yet ready to talk about his feelings.


Uh robin your going to the door with no bottoms to see Dave.


That was my first thought also, but I'm guessing that Evan will go to the door. Her panties are there for everyone to see, so she'll going to meet Dave (panties or not).


As punarotta mentioned, a little bit of role-play. Robin is a Med Student and Evan is something like a Biochemist/Lab Tech Student, I might try and clarify this part of the story when I go back and give the comic a final edit when this first volume is complete.


I think she has mucked up the "female" mannerisms that had her original form reacting/acting like a girl would so she thought "friend" and not "am I appropriately dressed" since generally girls worry a bit more about how they greet the door, generally there are always exceptions.


Panel 52 is excellent, their facial expressions perfectly convey the role-play that is starting and the fact Robin is seeing through it and enjoying it.