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So I think we're far enough along in the story that I can show the original version of strips 180 - 203.

I had written and story-boarded (posed in Daz3D) these 23 strips, realized that I didn't like the direction it went, and then came up with the "Jess putting Felix in an interactive movie" idea and liked that idea and what comes after it so much more.

To help myself build up a buffer for Liam's journey, I'm going to split these 23 strips into three posts. Part 2 will be posted in two weeks, with the next part of Liam's Journey being posted next week.

I've also added some captions to these strips with commentary.


This conversation between Felix and Jess went through a bunch of re-writes, in one abandoned version, Felix begged Jess for help.
The dialogue in panel two is also different than the final one,
Jess' original reason for helping Felix was different. Spoilers: there's another hidden reason that Jess is helping, but that's for later.
And here's where this abandoned version starts branching off from the final version. Jess might not have a brother in the final story.
The dialogue here got way too busy. It was a mistake to have Felix talking to both Lisa and Jess at once.
While I liked the idea of this diplomatic mission, it made the events behind Felix and Jess' conversation too complicated and busy.
Having Lisa play as a second character, K8LN, added unnecessary complication. Again, having two conversations at once is confusing.



That is a challenge to follow the different conversations all at once. Interested in seeing what Jess' motivation is in all this. It did seem somewhat generous of her to get involved to such a degree, so it does seem appropriate that she has more interest in some aspect of this than what we have seen so far.


I'm already lost... I think I need to re-read everything slowly from the very beginning 😂😂😂