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So I've been having some trouble putting together the plot for Book 3, which was going to be Robin attends a magical school. However, while I had a general idea of what I wanted to happen, the plot for it never really fell into place, and it was starting to feel like the story was going to be a lot of filler with nothing much happening.

So I've decided to scale back that story to Robin apprenticing with a teacher and entering into a rivalry/argument with that teacher's other apprentice over how to use magic to help people.

Robin wants to help people without breaking the rules and with minimal impact on bystanders (such as changing people's lives and memories without their permission). Robin's rival, Tabitha, sees that as over complicated and tries to prove to Robin that she's better off rewriting the history of someone's life and all their friends and family so that the change is more painless for the person asking for the change.

This will result in the next book, or a series of mini-books switching back and forth between Robin and her Rival and would finally bring the series to where I wanted it to be: a series of stories about Robin acting as a magical doctor to help people.

My current outline is as follows, but it is subject to change. Also not sure if this will be one book or split into multiple books:

Prologue: The teacher is upset with Robin and Tabitha's progress. She orders Robin to get her head out of her books and practice actual magic, and conversely orders Tabitha to stop messing about with magic and stick her head in some books.

Robin 1: Robin has been assigned to transform herself back into a guy for a day or two. Robin reluctantly learns how to do so, and Evan lifts her spirits by letting Robin experiment with transformations on Evan/Evelynn.

Tabitha 1: Tabitha is bored with studying at home when her sister asks if Tabitha knows how to do a body swap. Tabitha body swaps the sister and sister's boyfriend.

Interlude: I'll probably put "A Visit with Anna" here.

Robin 2: Robin creates a body/life swap services where she body swaps people who want to be another gender and don't mind switching lives with someone of the other gender.

Tabitha 2: Tabitha thinks Robin is over-complicating things and transforms a willing man into a woman and changes his entire life so that he was always a woman. This has an impact on the man's wife.

Robin 3: Robin does a life rewrite of a different person, but tries to minimize the changes to friends and family of that person by making that person born a girl, but having grown up as a trans-boy with a nearly identical life.

Tabitha 3: Tabitha has grown bored with helping people and starts selling her transformation services, she transforms a man's male roommate into the man's girlfriend. Things go wrong when the room mate remembers her previous life.

Interlude: Tabitha starts selling magic potions to people who can sense magic (a person like Scott), after a client runs out of potions during a vacation at a hotel/resort, Robin has to fix things.

Robin 4 / Epilogue: Robin and Evan create a "medical treatment" (such as a benign non-contagious bacteria or virus that can be grown in a vat, or plant extract) that secretly uses magic to transform people (gender, age, physique). One of Evan's lab techs sneaks a treatment and spends three months turning into a girl. Tabitha admits that this method wins Robin their competition because Tabitha can't top it.


Robin talking with one of her "patients".



Sounds fun, I think it would be a great story arc!