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Hello Comrades I was kinda absent the past week trying to handle some IRL business and rest a bit from the Bunny pack initial release but its time to work again like i mention in the release post, The Next Week Wil Arrive some Update for the pack but lets gonna to discuss a bit about what its gonna be added on top of the current package

Also i want to Remind you Check again the bunny pack folder, Now it include the Resources folder, later gonna to mention properly how all these are composed together in case you want to create your own bun

Now lets talk about BUNNIES



After Alot of time teasing her i finally have something "decent" to show since she was made from scratch due her head geometry and body shape was totally different so cannot be used the bunny base for craft her, she its on her Weightpaint and Flexes addition stage, i hope for the end of this week at least have the body ported, since its a very simple design in the paint and clothing department, but its likely i have the cloth done for the other week, also for the head i can use her to make Bugs bunny but i need to see if i have room to do it :3

Something very extra but i wanted to pull out too for this proyect its the adition of content for that TALL lizard species called Taltarans what its related to the buns lore in any case, just something cool to add on top of the bunny content


At the moment i have plans for other OCs in the oven sadly with not much references so gonna to see they are in crafting, what i have confirmed its the creation of someone else OC who i owned alot of favors and was behind of MANY troubleshootings and solutions for my proyects and repay that person with a PUBLIC FREE model of one of his OC its seems an amazing idea

Caroline Parker

this is Caroline Parker from KAITOU3D a fellow comrade who had this one sitting on a shelf of adopt OCs and i picked this one and planned to be done at the end of this month

this character will be FREE after she is done and while will be included on the package update she will be avaible for free

I dunno the hell is this thing and looks like literally like renamon and a lopunny clashed with a Black Mage from Final Fantasy and stole the color palette from Zeraora and tierremon and i focking love how it looks, and im exited to work on it... him? her? who cares i need to see some of the chapters where this thing is present 


Other character for some fella will not listed here mostly cuz are private (yes is that you Tyad :3)



i cannot list much of things like SKINS and Hair cuz these are mostly improvised on the fly

i can give some glimpse of the outfits for bunnies

for females, besides of the classic "playboy bunnies and reverse bun" like the renamon had 

Im still wanting some feedback for Males one, and for a common mind male people usually just wear boring cloths XD same issue for haircuts, can help with that dropping suggestions in the SUGGESTIONS channel

Potentially adding a custom cock for the males too, i want to prevent the same issue what i had with the males of the GOAT one but that was mostly for lack of time of the proyect, im sure will have better ideas along the month, and these will arrive progressively, will keep news about the other characters every Monday, but will post daily progress each day in my Server :3

see ya comprades! wish me luck 


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